APSI Course Day 4 – Assessment Day 20/5/22

Well, that’s the end of day 4, and the finish of the course.

This was easily the most testing day (haha!). After the usual novice gun mount training exercise in the morning, where we worked in pairs to practise getting a novice set up with a gun in their shoulder, it was Safety Assessment time!

We were being assessed on safety all week, so this was simply an official check that we were doing everything correctly, and a sign off to say that we were up to standard. Nothing too technical, mainly how to handle and carry guns safely, how to take them in and out of a gun slip, make them safe when crossing obstacles, how to load when in a concrete grouse butt, and how to carry and walk with a loaded gun when rough shooting.

I’m pleased to say I passed with flying colours!

Then we split into 3 groups and did a very similar exercise to what we did on day 2, working in pairs on a couple of crossing targets, both coaching a novice, and being coached.

The third and last target was a nice simple teal that I was really looking forward to turning inside out – except that the instructor had other ideas. We were to shoot it with our opposite shoulder…

The whole idea is to get a feel of what it is like for a novice, and in my case, it felt totally alien, uncoordinated, and completely wrong! I only managed to hit a couple, but the exercise was well worth doing!

After that, it was back to the shooting ground lodge for a course debrief and the awarding of certificates, one for passing the safety test, and the other for participating in the course. APSI is a registered trademark, so we will only be able to use the logo if we become members. A follow-up email will be sent to everyone next week with some comments, and instructions on how to join if you merit the fast-track procedure.

All in all, it’s been a tough but enjoyable week, and I’m really glad that I finally decided to do it. The group has been very friendly and nice to work with, and we’ve all made arrangements to keep in touch for the future. Who knows, we may end up working together somewhere!

Also, a big thank you to Lady’s Wood for looking after us so well, and for providing some excellent light lunches every day.

Now the focus shifts to the first week of June, and the DTL Grand Prix at Fauxdegla.


The Calm Before the Storm


3rd Devon DTL Team Selection Shoot 2022 - Bradford Shooting Ground 14/5/22