Gamebore DTL Grand Prix 2022 – J. R. Hall Memorial DTL 1/7/22
Click here for the full list of scores from the CPSA website.
What a prelude to the main event today was!
Personally, it was another poor day at the office. I won’t dwell on it, but it suffices to say that my not so good form continues with a 96/283.
At least my second round was good!
For a bit of fun afterwards, I had a go at the Double Rise pool shoot that was being run to raise money for charity, and managed to get 35/50. Not too bad! I managed to get at least 1 of every pair, and I’ll take that considering I shoot Double Rise once in a blue moon! There were really no excuses as far as the targets were concerned, they were lovely!
Yup - no zeros on my line! Well done Martin on that nice 45!
Tomorrow is another day, and I shall go into it with a different mindset and see what we get.
My prediction of there being some pretty high scores today was spot on though! The targets were absolutely perfect, and if you missed one, it was entirely your fault!
As the scoreboard started to fill up, there were quite a few shooters making a serious impact, the top one of which was Ian Roper. At half way, he was on the perfect 50/150. There were plenty of others who were only 1 or 2 points behind him, and everything looked set for a real slugging match.
The first to post a heavyweight score was Bob Clarke.
Bob was shooting on the squad that followed me, but even so, I wasn’t aware of how well he was doing until I went into the clubhouse and checked the board. A 100/298 isn’t bad for someone shooting with a stock that isn’t an ideal fit!
He was soon joined at the top by Steve Eley (who seemed a bit surprised with his result!), and, a little later, by the formidable Chris Moule.
The afternoon wave was yet to get started, and there was one squad in particular that could upset the apple cart. Of that squad, Paul Chaplow and Paul Turner also shot 100/298s, setting up a 5 way shoot-off to decide the top places.
Everyone was expecting that to be it, when another name appeared and stole the top spot outright. That was Mr Lee Wilcoxson, who, apart from a second barrel at some point in his second round, didn’t put a foot wrong and finished with a 100/299 to win the J R Hall Memorial Trophy. Well shot sir!
Page 1 of the scoreboard. Scroll to the bottom for the rest!
That left the 100/298s to fight it out for overall 2nd and 3rd, and possibly for other categories if the result went a certain way.
Bob, Chris, Steve and Paul Turner duly lined up to to battle. Paul Chaplow took no further part in proceedings, having decided for whatever reason to leave the ground.
What followed was a very good display of shooting prowess, from which Bob and Chris emerged with 25/74 each, Steve with a 25/73, and Paul with a 24/72.
We weren’t done yet! There had to be an outright winner, so after a brief pause to get some more cartridges, Bob and Chris went head to head again in a round of Single Barrel. Both men stayed neck and neck throughout, and finished tied again on 23.
After another trip to get more cartridges, they lined up yet again to settle the fight with Single Barrel Sudden Death.
This is shot from the same peg. One shooter shoots at their target, then steps off the peg, and the other takes their place to shoot at their target. Then the first shooter moves to the next peg and they repeat until someone misses. The other shooter then has to hit their target to win. If they miss it, the shoot-off continues until someone wins.
Unlike the other shoot-offs, this one was over pretty quickly. Bob missed his 2nd target, opening the door for Chris to smash his and take the victory, which he did. That left Chris with 2nd overall, and Bob 3rd overall (not bad for his first ever shoot-off at DTL!).
Click below to watch it!
Congratulations and well shot to Lee on winning High Gun, Chris and Bob, and to everyone else who finished with a medal and / or class place at close of play today.
We’ll do it all again tomorrow at the Gamebore DTL Day 1!
Scoreboard page 2.
Scoreboard page 3. Hmm, there’s a familiar name in equal 53rd…
Scoreboard page 4.
Scoreboard page 5.